Leigh's Luscious Literaries of MM+ Romance
Official Leigh Jarrett Street Team
What you have:
At least one bookish social media channel with 50+ followers.
A willingness to share information about my existing and upcoming books.
A love for MM+ romance!
What I need:
A dedicated team of volunteers to get the word out about my books!
A group of people who love reading MM+ romance and telling other people about it.
Readers who want to shout about a new (or new-to-them) story.
How you can help:
Read ARCs of my books before they are published and post your review at Goodreads and Bookbub (if applicable) before release, and on Amazon on the day of the book’s release.
Share *promo graphics* across all your media channels.
Create hype for the book and get other readers to take notice.
What you will get:
FREE Advance Review Copies (ARC) of each book before release day.
Mentioned by name or social media handle in the Acknowledgement section of each book.
Swag when available (bookmarks, postcards, magnets, etc.) mailed to you.
- My undying appreciation for this incredibly valuable assistance.