HEA Contemporary Romance

Author: Leigh Jarrett
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
Series: Salish Sea Society - Book 1
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Underneath that calm demeanour, I sensed lay a deeply passionate man.

To date, all my relationships that lasted more than a couple months have ended because I'm expecting something I don't believe is unattainable. Perfection. My parents have pounded the concept into my head. Success is only possible through getting everything right.

Even now, in my thirties, I live by that. What I strive for rolls into my business as the owner of one of the most popular British-themed pubs in Victoria, BC.

Then one day, a guy named Brody walks into my pub and becomes a regular, coming in at the same time every night, and always ordering a G&T and buffalo wings.

His expression is often fixed, and he doesn't talk much, revealing nothing about himself. But his deep mahogany eyes speak volumes. There's someone passionate inside all that outward calm.

What I eventually discover about Brody makes me wonder if I want to take it on. A relationship with him would be far from perfection. Or would it? To call him mine, I'm going to need to rethink what perfection looks like and embrace a new way of seeing the world.

Noah is a sweet slow-burning romance about a member of the Salish Sea Society, a group of four best friends who have been through a lot together since high school, including each of them coming out as gay. This story is set on the rugged coast of Pacific Canada and is a story of newfound understanding of the autism spectrum and finding passion and love beating beneath the chest of a man of carefully measured words and silent looks.

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Rhythmic Bliss

Author: Leigh Jarrett
Genre: A Grumpy/Sunshine Gay Awakening M/M Romance
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Strumming your way to joy

Lucas would love to be playing his original music full-time but instead, he splits his time between working in construction and playing in a cover band. He hates the fact he can't live his life the way he wants to, and it colors his entire world. Everything annoys him. 

He has considered himself heterosexual his entire adult life even though women don't seem to interest him. He's even played with the idea that he might be asexual. Then he meets Nick and everything he thought he knew about himself is flipped on its head. He takes on a mantra of, "I don't want to be gay." But he cannot deny it might be the case. 

Nick is new to the Victoria music scene and is just finding his way around. He spends his time busking his original music and doing sound for live music in pubs and bars. He's living life on his terms and doing so brings him a great amount of joy. He naturally has a sunny disposition and that makes his work even more enjoyable. 

He has fully embraced his bisexuality and has been out for over twenty years. He hasn't had any luck finding anyone suitable for a long-term relationship but that hasn't stopped him from loving life. Then he meets Lucas and for the first time, he feels as if he might have found someone who is the yin to his yang. 

This is an HEA story where one man doesn't want to be gay but cannot deny that might be the case. The other has fully embraced his bisexuality but despite his joyful nature, he hasn't found someone to share his life with. Will their love of music be common ground?

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Drag Undivided

Author: Leigh Jarrett
Genre: A Second Chance Hurt/Comfort M/M Gay Romance
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Recovering true love

The nearly twenty years without Noah haven't been easy on Cole. He's latched onto alcohol to help him cope with his own existence. It's been a struggle. He's made his life as full as possible by becoming a full-time drag queen after ditching his job as a special needs child educator. Drag brings him the joy he so desperately seeks while suffering through a domineering marriage. But the love he felt as a teenager never went away. 

Noah thought he moved on after his best friend came out as gay in high school. He did everything he could to push Cole away. It was the only way he knew to protect his heart. Twenty years later, he's still carrying profound love for the person who meant so much to him from the time they were in kindergarten. 

They're given an opportunity to reconcile. To reconnect. But there are obstacles to their hearts beating together once again. How are they going to find their way back to love? Can they recover what they once had? 

This is an HEA story about two men who have suffered for years by being apart. A mix of alcoholism, self-doubt, and remorse gives them some challenges in order to be together again.

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Academic Ambition

Author: Leigh Jarrett
Genre: An M/M Roommates to Lovers Bisexual Awakening Romance
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Learning a new path to love

Asher identifies as non-binary but prefers to use he/him pronouns. His relationship with his body is in constant conflict. It isn't until he meets Shaun, his new roommate, that he starts to accept himself. 

Shaun's life is dominated by rugby. Until he rescues Asher one dark night. Then his world is turned upside down. When Asher becomes his new roommate, Shaun finds himself tumbling into a yearning he never could have imagined. 

But can Asher find his way to him? 

This is a really sweet story about self-love and acceptance. One character is non-binary ASAB and the other is coming to terms with his bisexuality. This is all new to both of them but they find their HEA.

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Pacific Pursuit

Author: Leigh Jarrett
Genre: Age Gap Gay Romance
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Brave enough to pursue love

Peter has a secret. One he has kept under wraps since he was a teenager. One he kept from his wife for 37 years. It's only after his wife passes away that Peter decides to explore the secret of his sexuality. After a misunderstanding, a young man who is a friend of his son and he knows through his real estate business ends up on his doorstep while at a conference in Vegas. 

Danny has no intention of ever being in a long-term relationship again. He was burned badly by his last one. He has his work as a high-end real estate agent to keep him occupied. The money pours in and he always thought that would be enough to fulfill him. Then he knocks on the door of someone who was supposed to be a one-night fling. 

With a 27-year age difference, the chance meeting leads them both down a path they never would have expected.

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Capital Adoration

Author: Leigh Jarrett
Genre: Found Family Bisexual Romance
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Risking it all to follow your heart

At odds with his bisexual identity, Derek is reluctant to enter into a friendship with a breathtaking man who appears to want more from him. He's never dated a man before and he doesn't intend to start. His world has been one of women only. But what starts off as a few harmless trips in their kayaks as friends takes a turn toward the intimate. 

Always protecting his heart, Liam has a habit of running when things get serious. Because of a harsh upbringing, he's never known or wanted love. That doesn't stop him from dating men and women he finds interesting. He takes a chance and approaches a gorgeous, broody man who appears lost. Despite his reservations, Liam decides to follow his instinct. 

Their hearts become entwined when they find they can't resist each other.

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Merlot Rebellion

Author: Leigh Jarrett
Genre: Enemies to Lovers Gay Romance
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Finding love in the least expected place

Devastated when things don't work out, Patrick refuses to even consider risking his heart again. As soon as he proclaims his love, everything always falls apart. 

One afternoon while heading a wine tour, Patrick recoils when he encounters a man he's been told is a monster by his latest ex-boyfriend. 

Heartbroken, Charles is convinced his last breakup was his fault. His seductive looks are the only reason anyone ever picks him up. He has no other worth. His latest partner of seven years told him as much. He was cheated on, abandoned for another—replaced by a blond boy toy. 

Then the vapid adulterer has the gall to walk into his winery.


Author: Leigh Jarrett
Genre: Friends to Lovers Gay Romance
Available for purchase at these retailers

It all came down to a matter of trust 

James has some free time and is taking a break from professional snowboarding. Getting away on a weekend by himself in the interior of British Columbia, Canada. 

He needs a break from his life. A breakup with his fiancĂ©, a woman his mother picked out for him from the right-wing church he'd grown up in. There are certain expectations to start a family. 

Corey, also a competitive snowboarder, knows James from the circuit. They've competed against each other many times over the years. They run into each other on the weekend of Winter Pride. 

Corey has a secret. He's had a huge crush on James for years. But he's not out and James isn't gay. He decides to approach James anyway—just to hang out. 

He convinces James to go to a Winter Pride event even though James has grown up in a world in which homosexuality is considered a sin. James reluctantly agrees. He's enjoying Corey's company. 

As the men spend time together over the course of the weekend, James finds himself feeling unexpected things. He's not sure if it's admiration or attraction he has for Corey. 

That question is answered when they end up alone together. 

This is a story about trust. It's a sweet happily-ever-after love story.

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Wish On A Star

A FTM transgender romance short story filled with love, tenderness, and exploration 

Brady has been longing to meet that special guy. One he can call his boyfriend. One he can cuddle with on the sofa—fall in love. 

He thinks he has found that person in Lance, a guy he met over Grindr. They have spent weeks texting and talking on the phone, sharing all aspects of their lives—except one. 

Brady hasn't told Lance he's trans. He's afraid that will be a deal-breaker, but his feelings for Lance have grown exponentially. When should he tell him? 

The two finally meet, on their first real date together. Brady decides to rip the bandage off and tells Lance the truth. How Lance reacts is beyond what Brady imagined it would be like. 

What does the future hold for them? Is there one?

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After Ryan lost his wife to cancer, leaving him with three kids to raise on his own, he never thought he'd find any kind of companionship ever again. Especially not with someone like Michael.

The last time Ryan saw his little brother's annoying childhood friend, Michael, he'd been a geeky, pimply-faced thirteen-year-old. That was just before Michael and his family moved to New York.

There was an eight-year age difference between them, and being in college at the time, Ryan had never wanted to waste his breath talking to some immature teenage kid when he could be doing homework or making out with his girlfriend instead.

Sixteen years later, a chance meeting at a coffee shop in Denver changes both of their lives. Michael, recently divorced from his wife, has two kids of his own, and a thriving recording studio.

Michael is no longer the Mikey Ryan remembers.

Getting the whole brood together for a Thanksgiving crafting extravaganza and their mutual love of the blues cements Ryan and Michael's friendship into something neither one of them could have ever expected. Christmas is fast approaching.

How far will their newfound friendship take them?

Derek Lawrence is a player. There is no other way to phrase it. He's been unstoppable since coming out in high school. Guy after guy, conquest after conquest. He isn't looking for any kind of commitment from anyone. His life is perfect the way it is.
Except for one aspect. Derek has been in love with his best friend and business partner, Justin Leary, since the first day he set eyes on him almost twenty years ago.
When an implication surfaces that Justin's feelings for Derek might run far deeper than friendship, he considers approaching Justin about it. But before he can, one targeted act of violence followed by the aftermath of violation challenges the depth of Derek's love for Justin.


Tekla Series

Annie Luka has always been home-schooled, but she's convinced her mother to let her attend public school for her graduating year. When it is learned that Annie Luka is actually Attila Luka; a beautiful cross-gender guy struggling with his identity, it tears a small group of friends apart.

Only when they all reunite ten years later is the full extent of Attila's deception revealed, bringing some of the group closer together and pushing others further apart. What transpires over the next few years after the reunion leaves Attila wondering if he'll ever find true love.

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Tekla Series

Joel Carrigan and his girlfriend, Erica, are excited about starting their graduating year at Tekla Senior High. The long hot summer is drawing to a close, and their plans for a promising future together are on track, but their carefully laid plans are about to be disrupted by a dark and seductive force neither one of them anticipated.

And that force is named Ethan Cooke. His gothic persona, covered in tattoos, piercings, and reckless abandon set Joel's heart racing—but not out of fear.

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Tekla Series

Chad Parker, privileged son of a wealthy hotelier, has made the decision to transfer to Tekla Senior High for his graduating year. Events during the summer have made it far too dangerous for him to remain at his old school.

But on the very first day, he meets Derek Steeple, and finds himself in exactly the same situation, except this time, the consequences of his actions will forever change the lives of those he loves.

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Possession Pointe

A tight-end, a danseur—and an unforeseen struggle between love and damnation.

Marc Tucker and Adam O'Neill typically wouldn't have crossed paths due to their vastly different career choices. Marc has been playing professional football for the past two years, straight out of college, while Adam has been honing his craft since he was nine years old when his mother bought him his first pair of ballet shoes.

Mandatory training for the offensive players on Marc's team finds him in a ballet studio for the very first time in his life. The coach has told them it will improve their flexibility and agility, but Marc isn't the least bit impressed with the idea until he catches sight of their new ballet master. Adam's beautiful lines and lean muscular presence have Marc's body warming up in all the right places.

But has Marc made a seriously misplaced assumption about Adam's potential interest in him? And will Adam's strict religious upbringing come between them before they've even completed a first down?

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